Oklahoma State University


Heart Healthy Canola Heart Healthy Canola - Nutrition - Canola - Plant & Soil Sciences

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Heart Healthy Canola

U.S. Canola Association
A Golden Opportunity for Our Nation's Health


Canola is the heathiest oil on the market:

  1. Canola oil is the lowest in saturated fat of any vegetable oil.  It has half the saturated fat of olive oil and almost as much monounsaturated fat.
  2. Canola oil is rich in monounsaturated fats that have been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels, and has moderate amounts of essential polyunsturated fatty acids.
  3. Canola oil is cholesterol-free.  Nutritional research is confirming that the fatty profile of canola oil appears to be beneficial in preventing and treating coronary heart disease risk factors including high blood cholesterol and lipid levels as well as thrombosis.

Ruby Tuesdays recently announced that all of their fried foods are now cooked in canola oil, a healthy monounsaturated oil that is a "superstar" food when it comes to heart health.

Why the switch to canola oil? 

  • Canola oil can protect against cardiovascular disease because it lowers LDL ("bad" cholesterol), decreases the chance of abnormal heart rythms and decreases blood stickiness.
  • Canola oil contains no trans fats. 
  • Canola oil is the lowest in saturated fats of all available cooking oils.
  • Canola oil is a great source of the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid, an essential nutrient that plays an important rold in heart and brain health.
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